Station Archive

Battlefield, 1947




Station Manager: Lois Anderson
Director of Programming: Ruth Meyer
Director of Artist's Bureau: Janet Ryder
Directors of Continuity: Ellen Lane
Alice Cassriel
Special Events Chairman: Justine Edwards
Business Manager: Norvell Millner
Treasurer: Martha Warriner
Publicity and Station Relations" Gurdine Link
Chief Engineer: Mary Jane Lindenberger
Director of Recording: Barbara Chisholm
Sound Effects Chief: Joan Rekemeyer
Advisor: Mrs. Mildred Sollenberger

"This is WMWC, your radio station on campus, affiliated with the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System."

These are the words which have introduced the broadcasting activities of WMWC each day at three o'clock for the past year. Managed and operated by students for students, the staff and the members of the WMWC Mike Club have placed this station at the service of the college, offering programs for the assistance and furtherance of education, entertainment, and good will.

Through experience we have learned what goes into the production of a program. We have lived by the second hand on the clock. We have gone through quick changes and emergencies with rapid pulse and quaking knees. And we have developed an appreciation of radio from the quality of the signal produced to the pacing and production of a script.

Convinced that college radio is here to stay and backed by our increasing knowledge of the field, we now see in our hands the potential tools with which we may carve a finer future for radio.

Date: 1947

Categories: Yearbook Entries

File: pdf

Reference: Battlefield, 1947, p. 196.

Notes: Also mentioned in index, p. 298.