Station Archive

Battlefield, 1948



The sounds arc waving, we're on the air

Betty Sparks and Janet Ryder at the controls

For three hours each day station WMWC is "on the air." Broadcasting from George Washington Hall, the station presents programs written, directed, and produced by the students. These programs have featured recordings of classical and popular music, interviews with students and faculty, dramatic skits, and other student talent.

The Mike Club, organized to assist in the managing of station WMWC, is composed of students from the radio broadcasting classes and others who arc interested in radio. Our broadcasting activities are designed not only for the enjoyment of the student body but also to give practical experience in the art of broadcasting. Through membership in the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System we have gained much assistance in program planning and in coping with some of the technicalities of radio.

Hipp, Chisholm, Grigg, Cassriel, Mrs. Sollenberger, Lynch, Klein, Thornton, Dulany, Nussey, Ryder

Date: 1948

Categories: Yearbook Entries

File: pdf

Reference: Battlefield 1948, p. 127.