Station Archive

Battlefield, 1953


Radio Bugs Broadcast Talents Via Mike Club

A brand new studio with modern facilities urged the members of the Mike Club to better radio. Classes were given for new members in writing, engineering, and producing. The station gave programs in cooperation with WFVA and the club took trips to radio and television stations in Washington and Richmond.

MIKE CLUB. Hawley, Bidwell, Bourne. Kyle, Mr. Duke Pritchard, President; Mulligan.

Date: 1953

Categories: Yearbook Entries

File: pdf

Reference: Battlefield, 1953, p. 154.

Notes: A mention of WMWC is also made on page 168: "Speech And Service Stressed By Zetas A buffet supper in the home of their sponsor and a Christmas program presented to the student body highlighted the activities of Zeta Phi Eta, national professional speech fraternity. Working with speech cases in the psychology clinic and directing station WMWC also proved worthwhile and entertaining projects for its members."